Listen up! I'm not bed-time story lady so pay attention....
For whatever reason, you've stumbled across my own little fun house in the world wide web and I guess I owe you a little explanation as to who I am and why I'm writing this blog. First of all I'm not old and I'm not young. I live everywhere and nowhere (nowhere, at the moment). I love all things geeky and I also love music and art as well. I'm writing a novel right now, it's not done and it may never be. I love bacon cheeseburgers. I hate the government and I think soccer moms are the agents of Satan. Oh yeah, I'm gay too. Why should you care? you shouldn't, but you're obviously still reading so I've piqued your curiosity. This blog is not intended to be entertaining but it might be considering that I'm starting it to show off my art, videos and rant about random stuff that pisses me off. At any rate, stick around or don't. I'll be posting more as I feel like it, or completely disappearing from the face of the planet. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm an asshole. Cheers! _TonE_
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